FAITH PATH STEP: Rite of Passage

• Recommended focus: Ages 16+
• Celebrate and give your child a vision for the future as an emerging adult.

Get The Kit

To help you get started, this kit includes a guide that offers practical tips and what we consider the best resources on the topic. A Rite of Passage Planning Guide has also been provided. Begin prayerfully considering how you will invite your young person to begin embracing the responsibilities of adulthood.

DOWNLOAD | Rite of Passage Kit


About Our Church

We exist to glorify God by multiplying healthy churches among all people, drives our vision for the future of the EFCA. The EFCA is an association of nearly 1,500 autonomous churches united by a mutual commitment to serve our Lord Jesus Christ with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and obedience to the Word of God.



Maranatha Evangelical Free Church
3340 S Main St.
Rice Lake, WI 54868